5 things that women cherish wholeheartedly in a man
1. Kindness
If women find this one quality in men, it calms their heart and makes them feel amazing. This means caring for the less fortunate, doing something for the old, or maybe just helping a dog or maybe helping an old lady cross the road. For women, little things matter the most and they will acknowledge your efforts.
2. Sense of humour
Women love effortlessly funny men, who can make people laugh at the nastiest of jokes without coming across as insensitive pricks, and more importantly, those who can laugh at themselves as easily as they do at others.
3. Being articulate
Nothing gets a woman more hooked than a man who knows how to hold conversations and express freely without feeling shy. There is a no bigger turn-off for a woman than a man whom she just does not connect with.
4. Good listeners
Dear men,if you are paying attention to women and listening to every bit of the conversation, it makes them feel important and will definitely cherish wholeheartedly and also enable you two to build a stronger and more meaningful relationship.
5. Confidence
Women admire and cherish men who are confident enough to take a bold step towards something they desire. They want to believe that they are not into a child but a man who is mature, certain, and unapologetic about who he is and what he wants.