The Reality of Parenthood and Expectations from Family
Deciding to become parents comes with a deep understanding of the responsibilities involved. Raising a child can be challenging, inconvenient, and far from lonely. While many parents hope for support from friends and family—especially their parents—it’s important to recognize that this help isn’t always ready.
A Viral Reddit Story
A widely shared post on Reddit sparked a debate:
A new mother reached out to her mom for help with childcare so she could return to work after her maternity leave. Her mother, now 64, had been a homemaker since 1992 and had not been part of the workforce since then.
However, she declined, stating that she had already raised her children and was not willing to take on the responsibility again. She also suggested that if her daughter truly wanted a baby, she should consider staying home as she had done, allowing her partner to be the sole provider—just like a “traditional” family.
For this mother, staying home was not financially viable. As the primary breadwinner, she needed to return to work to support their small family. Living in a one-bedroom apartment in an expensive city, she and her partner were already struggling to save for a larger space for their growing child.
When she explained their situation, her mother offered to babysit—but only at a rate of $20 per hour, with additional late fees if they picked up the baby late.
On top of that, she required a car seat, stroller, bottles, and duplicates of everything the baby had at home.
Faced with these demands, the mother started considering infant daycare instead, which would be more affordable and located closer to their home. With both parents working full-time and no other family members available to help, they found themselves in a difficult situation.
She ended her post by questioning whether she was wrong for expecting her stay-at-home mother—who spends most of her day watching TV and cooking—to provide free childcare while she and her partner worked to improve their financial situation.
This story resonated with many, highlighting the complexities of generational expectations, financial struggles, and the challenges of balancing work and parenting.