Home Health Diabetes causes pain in the feet, now change this habit

Diabetes causes pain in the feet, now change this habit

Diabetes has become a major problem in the world today because of a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, many types of diseases related to heart attacks, blood vessels, kidneys, and nerves can occur. 422 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes, according to the World Health Organization. When the blood glucose level starts increasing then diabetes becomes a disease.

As you have high blood sugar level, blood circulation also deteriorates and nerves start getting damaged. When nerve damage begins, foot ulcers, sores, pain, and a variety of infections can occur. Usually, people ignore these symptoms in the feet. But all this happens because of diabetes.

What problems can occur when diabetes increases?

If your blood sugar levels are not controlled for a long time, this condition causes peripheral vascular disease (PVD). In PVD the nerves become completely numb. This disease increases the risk of foot ulcers in many ways. This leads to a diabetic ulcer, which makes walking difficult. At the same time, diabetic cellulose starts accumulating in the feet. That is, the skin around the feet becomes thick and hard. Shoes are not available. When the effect of diabetes starts appearing on the feet, then many types of food infections happen.

When to go to the doctor

Consult a doctor when the color of the skin of the feet starts changing. Besides, there will be complaints of swelling in the ankles, change in the temperature of the feet, frequent blisters in the feet, pain or tingling in the feet or ankles, dry cracks in the ankles, infection in the feet, etc. So consult a doctor.

If you have diabetes, change these habits immediately

Diabetic patients have to take special care of their diet. Eating oily and spicy food can increase leg pain and swelling. Instead eat fresh fruits, and vegetables and use olive oil in cooking.

Diabetics need to monitor their blood sugar levels. For this, buy a glucometer from the market and check after 2-3 days on an empty stomach in the morning and after breakfast. That’s the reason why keep checking at home and then consult a doctor.

It’s also important to stay away from any wrong habit. Diabetes patients should also avoid smoking and alcohol consumption. This automatically removes many problems.

Water is essential for all the functions of the body. Dehydration can lead to muscle pain. So drink coconut water and fresh fruit juice along with water.