If He Stopped Calling Or Texting, Do These 8 Things ASAP

1. Ask yourself if you’re expecting too much from your boyfriend
You may not know why your boyfriend is texting less or how many messages he used to send you…but are you expecting too much from him? Maybe he needs time and space to sort out his life. It’s important to make sure you’re not emotionally smothering your boyfriend by expecting him to text more often than he can.
2. Stop yourself from bombarding him with messages.
Do not begin sending a bunch of texts or calling, sending DMs on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or any other social media on which you’re connected. And do not text his friends to see if he’s with them. That only looks desperate.It’s the easiest and fastest means to push him away.
3. Don’t complain that your boyfriend is texting you less
Be honest once about how you feel. Tell him, “I feel scared and rejected when you don’t call or text me, because I worry you’re not interested in me anymore” – and then let it go.
Do not nagging or complaining about what he does wrong or how he isn’t making you happy. Instead Appreciate what he does well, and tell him when he makes you feel good about yourself or your relationship.
4. Follow the 3-day rule.
Simply take a 3-day break from texting and calling him to see if he might initiate conversation. If he hasn’t responded to your text in three days or if he said he would call and never ever did, shoot him an easy, casual, playful text. And I would personally drop it altogether if you don’t get a response after the second time you try.

5. If possible, reach out in person.
Casually try to see him in person, where you’ll be able to feel his vibe. You’ll know something is up if he acts unusual or is really avoidant when he actually lays eyes on you.
6. Be careful about who you complain to.
Vent to your own family members or friends who you know you can trust, but don’t let too many people know you’re upset.
5. Avoid writing about it on social media.
It’s between you and this person and it’s no one else’s business. Avoid sub-tweeting nasty remarks or making subtle vague-booking Facebook statuses that are obviously about him and the situation. It will more certainly make you look immature and annoying — and turn him off completely.
7. Create a fulfilling, exciting life for yourself
Whatever you do, don’t bother waiting for him. Live your life, and try to put him in the back of your mind. You need figure out what makes you happy, and start doing that. Your boyfriend is not your sole source of happiness – you need to create multiple levels of fulfillment. The best thing to do when your boyfriend is texting you less is to create a life you love.
8. Move on and cut your losses.
If he never ever reacts to anything you do, seriously, just forget him and move on. If he’s not going to respect you enough to answer you, he’s unworthy of your time at all.