Home Life If you keep doing these 4 things, you are probably ruining your...

If you keep doing these 4 things, you are probably ruining your relationship with your own hands

It is easier to ruin a relationship than to keep it. Sometimes, even without intending to, we are already ruining the relationship we worked so hard to keep.

Our habits and tendencies can ruin the good thing we have if we fail to notice the red flags. Sometimes, even with good intentions, we still end up pushing our partner away instead of luring them in and keeping them. If you want to keep the relationship going, stop doing these things and you will surely have a lasting and healthy relationship.

1. Looking for the wrong

If you notice something fishy on your own, that is a good thing but if you suit up and decide to find out what is wrong, then you are bound to come up with a thing or two. We simply live in a world that we choose for yourself, so if you decide to go for the negatives, the negatives are what you will get. It is healthy to work on the red signals from the start but deliberately searching for them when nothing is wrong is a foolish thing to do. No one is perfect, and remember, you chose him for who he is, so accept those flaws too.

2. Expecting your partner to be perfect

We often base our expectations on unrealistic standards, like those we see in movies or read in novels. We expect our partner to be that perfect but we forget one thing that we are trying to compare them with a fictional character. They can not always act like we want them to, they are also an individual and have their own opinions so differences are bound to crop up. it is your choice whether to ignore them, mitigate them or obliterate them. Love is, after all, a struggle!

3. Reading too much into things

Too much of everything is bad and assumptions are the major cause of the destruction of a relationship. When you start to read too much into things like in the language of the text message or the way of speaking or the tone, etc, you will get more and more suspicious and that too for nothing. Obsessing over a message that you did not get the reply for is not healthy, step away from it for a bit, do not over think, they might simply be a bit busy nothing else, but if you go into assumptions, well, imagination has no boundaries!

4. Expecting too much

When there is a start of any relationship, you must give the other person also a chance to adjust to it, expecting them to know everything going on in your mind too soon is just too much. It will take them some time to get to know you and then may be later they will do exactly as you expect. remember, everything has its own pace and things will happen on their own, do not be greedy and expect too much too soon.

References: pairedlife.com, lifecrust.com