Home relationship Ladies, Here’s How To Keep That Man You’re Seeing Interested

Ladies, Here’s How To Keep That Man You’re Seeing Interested

Ladies, Here’s How To Keep That Man You’re Seeing Interested

If you want to keep that guy you recently started seeing interested, here’s how:

1. Keep It Light, Fun, And Playful

As you grow old and your relationship matures, the probability of both of you giving in to the pressures of life increases. Remember to have fun and relieve stress by spending playful moments with each other. Simple things like chasing each other in the kitchen, trying gardening together, taking up an art project, etc., will go a long way in keeping your man interested in you and valuing you for your ability to keep it light and lively.

2. Look the part.

A man wants a woman he can show off like a trophy. When going for dinner or an occasion, dress sexy for him and complement him just as much as he complements you.

3. Be financially secure.

When you start dating a man, show him that you can handle your own bills. No one wants to feel like you’re using him for his money. Independence is sexy. Never rely on someone for your own happiness or money. What happens when they’re gone?

4. Be there for him when life seems unbearable.

Believe it or not, even men, as tough as they appear to be, need a hug sometimes and someone to tell them that everything will be okay. Show him that you genuinely care about him. Show interest in his life and work and make him believe that you’re the kind that would stick around even when shit hits the fan.

5. Get in his inner circle and also make friends with his family, slowly but steadily.

If you want to know how to keep a man hooked, one of the most effective ways to do so is to be kind to his friends and closest family members. And if that is not possible, you at least respect them simply because they are a part of your partner’s life and heart.

6. Show initiative in bedroom matters.

Don’t always wait for him to be the one to make the move. Show initiative sometimes; seduce him and flirt with him. Take control, lead things, and make him swoon over you and your confidence.

7. Praise him and his achievements every now and then.

Men like compliments. Do not shy away from expressing your love for him and complimenting him on his personality, looks, intellectual capabilities, etc. Praise him every now and then, and this simple yet effective way will keep him smitten with you for an eternity.

8. Show genuine interest in participating in his hobbies.

If you really like someone, you will like them as a package. Even if his hobbies do not align with yours, show interest in the things he loves. You shouldn’t compromise always but at the same time, you should meet each other halfway.

9. Be a lady that can hold intelligent conversations.

Not really a smart ass, but someone who listens, and participates in an intellectually challenging convo. Honestly, I’m not telling you to know all there is to know about Quantum Physics but at least know what’s happening around the world.

10. Cook For Him

The way to a man’s heart is good food. Try your hand at cooking or baking some of his favorite dishes. Do not worry about getting the dish absolutely right. What counts the most is your effort and willingness to try out different things for him. Lastly, if you think you cannot handle cooking yourself, get your favorite food delivered at home and have a nice date night.

11. Make him dependent on you.

Let him get used to talking to you everyday, doing things with you, make sure that someway somehow, you’re part of his daily routine and that way, you’ll become like a drug to him in the sense if you’re not even available for a day, he will feel like something is a miss, he will barely function. That’s how you keep a man interested.

12. Be yourself.

Don’t change who you are. Even when things go well or awry, remain you. He saw something in you and loves you for you. Make sure to take time for yourself, do things you enjoy, pick up a new hobby, and appreciate the progress that you make in every sector of your life. Believe in yourself and your relationship, do not give in to the moments of doubts, and your man will be forever engaged with you.