Home Tricks-Tips Many people are putting aluminum foil in their bags before leaving home....

Many people are putting aluminum foil in their bags before leaving home. Now I understand why

Many start using aluminum foil in their bags before leaving the house. The reason will surprise you.

Aluminium foil in the bag

Aluminum foil is easily found in every home. It’s generally used in the kitchen to cover food, but has other uses too. We also remind you that it’s important not to abuse it if you’ve been in contact with food for too long.

However, there are many different ways to use it, not just in the kitchen to cover food. For example, it is often used to widen shoes. Or to correct certain imperfections. Or as an electrical conductor.

But today we’re going to use it on the stock market. Yes, you’ve got that right. A lot of people start putting foil in their bags before they go out, so we want to show you why and how you should do it too. Below, in the next paragraph, you’ll find all the details you need.

Aluminium foil in the bag: here’s why

As we mentioned earlier, many people start using aluminium foil in their bags. Next, take the foil and peel off a piece about 20 centimetres from the roll. At this point, crumple it up and close it to form a ball. Squeeze it until it’s well compacted.

Now you can place this aluminum ball inside the bag. You may be wondering why. The reason is simple, it can come in handy many times when you’re on the road and don’t have all your stuff to yourself. For example, it helps frizzy hair and running it through your hair will make it smoother.

In practice, you’ll avoid the electric hair effect. A very simple reason, but one that can be very useful, especially when you’ve got a small bag and can’t fit a comb inside. This technique is fairly well-known and not entirely new, in fact you can also do it at home before going out with a simple sheet of aluminum foil.

This will help you attract the electric charge and leave you with really flawless hair. All you have to do is try it, and if you notice any improvements, you can put a bullet in your bag just in case. Below, we’ll look at how you can use aluminum foil differently.

Other uses for aluminium foil

Aluminum foil isn’t just used in the kitchen. We just mentioned that it can be useful for keeping electric hair at bay. And it’s often used by hairdressers for certain techniques such as highlights or other thinning.

Aluminum foil is also used for cleaning, for example, to clean silverware. In fact, all you have to do is put a ball in the water and your dishes or trays will look as good as new with no effort at all. You can then use scissors or sharpening knives, taking great care not to injure yourself.

Aluminum foil can still be used both in the tumble dryer to eliminate static electricity and when ironing. In fact, it helps to iron faster and cut ironing time in half. Finally, it can act as a repellent for midges and insects by reflecting the sun’s rays.