What do men think about after you sleep with them?

1. “Did she like it too?”
One of the most important things a man thinks about after making love is whether or not his partner enjoyed it. Many men are concerned about whether their partner enjoyed making love with them too or if they felt disappointed. This leads them to think a lot.
2. “Did she have an σяgαѕм?”
A woman achieving an orgasm is a great accomplishment for any man. In modern culture, men’s performance in bed is often judged by how and if they can give their partner enough pleasure to achieve an orgasm. So don’t be surprised if this question is wandering around in your man’s mind.
3. “Should I snuggle or sleep?”
Your man may be completely confused about whether he should snuggle with you after having making love or just fall asleep right afterwards. Some people prefer to sleep and have their own space after making love, while others really like to cuddle. So give your partner a hint and then, let him or her lead the way.
4. “Should I get up to shower?”
Some people think it’s rude to get up and go out to do something, right after making love. But, making love can get pretty steamy and sweaty, so right then and there, a shower may seem like a necessity for some. What’s better, he may want you to get in the shower too!
5. “Wow, that was amazing!”
If your man is quiet after making love, then he is probably remembering all the amazing things you did in bed. He may be secretly admiring the moves you made with him, or the sexual positions you both tried to do. In short, he may be thinking about going on to the next round!”